Round Up: Week 22 (that turned into a month)
Last Week’s Prompt:
Find a news story/headline about the ever-entertaining Florida Man and write the true story behind the headline.
My favorite headline that I found in my first search was “Florida Man rescued from vending machine”, so I immediately started thinking of ways someone could get stuck inside a vending machine. Out of all the many reasons to reach inside a vending machine, I decided with trying to redeem a lost love. Brita saw the live news coverage of the jaws of life ripping her love from a vending machine and felt extra bad about setting our hero’s record player on fire and decides not to tell him until he recovers.
As I scrolled through headlines about Florida Man I discovered the Ebola article. Really, why would that be your excuse. “I think I want to be in a hospital surrounded by guards instead of a jail surrounded by guards.” There is no difference.
It also reminded me of a joke that was told by the wonderful singer, in the band Gaelic Storm, in a concert here in Utah. The audience gave him the sound of “oh, man. That is a really bad joke and I am kinda ashamed that I laughed at it.” But more in a grunting manner. The lead singer then replied “Too soon?” to the audience. Everyone, stop what you are doing right now and look up Gaelic Storm. You will never ever regret it.
Anyway, since we here at Cleanup in Aisle Sexy Pants are so very PC, we tell Ebola jokes pretty much all the time. Hence my affinity to picking the article that I did.
The disease that I referred to is called “Witzelsucht.” It is a brain disorder that causes the person to engage in silly behavior at any given time. Real disease, but can you really expect Florida Man to know the real name of it?
Next Week’s Prompt:
Write a story inspired by a color