
Kylie Maglish is an English major at a university located in the grand state of Utah. She enjoys singing and attending Comic Con. She has won several awards for her writing, although they were all given to her by herself. They should still be considered prestigious, as there are copious amounts of glitter pasted to them.

Hogwarts house: Slytherin

Areas of expertise: Knowing vast amounts of useless trivia and quotes, watching sad cartoons, looking up the codes from Gravity Falls so that I don't actually have to decode them myself.

Favorite Disneyland ride: Oh my friends, my friends, don't ask me which ride is better than the rest! Between theming and thrill rides, I can't choose the very best!

Shoe size: 8 1/2 or sometimes 9 because shoe sizing is weird.

Favorite dinosaur: Tyrannosaurus Rex, or whatever other dinosaur can eat everything and leave a trail of destruction in its path.

Fandoms: Starkid, Marvel, Disney, and a whole other slew of things.

Spirit animal: The Stormtrooper on the right

Genres you can expect to see: Anything that entertains me. My stuff can range from horror to humor, but it will always be weird. That's my secret, Cap. I'm always weird.

See all of Kylie's stories

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If you can't say anything nice, then don't say anything at all. (That means you, Darrell.)