November 14, 2015

Protect Yourself

On every New Moon she comes. You will never know when she will get to you, only that eventually she will. New Moons are when the real monsters come out (seriously, what monster would come out when there is the most light at night. Superstitions). 
                I don’t want to worry you, but this is a message of warning. Surdo Fratriodi is not a being to be messed with. She wanders the world seeking victims. Looking into her eyes is enough to cause anyone to go into a state of shock from the terror. When she touches you, you and your children are cursed forever. The curse manifests in different ways, but the ones that I have heard about are never being able to go to school with pants on and hearing Justin Bieber music on a continuous loop. This monster is into some hard core stuff.

                The only way to protect yourself is to spin clockwise half a dozen times, spit on a white cat, sing the national anthem from a roof top, and send this message on. Don’t become one of the fallen, protect yourself and your future posterity. If enough of us fight Surdo Fratriodi will fade out of existence. 

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