July 29, 2016

Round Up 23

Last Week’s Prompt: Write a story inspired by a color

I like the idea behind Indigo and it had the potential to be a great story, but between school and being sick, I had a hard time writing it to be how I imagined. I also had a lot more of a backstory that took way too long to write, so I started over halfway through and tried to include the important details for the sake of the story, but maybe I will revisit the idea in the future and flesh it out more.

Guilt by association plays a big part into why “the girl” is so scared of the police because the bullies at her school told her she was a bad person because of guilt by association because her dad is in jail (not a big house as she would like to believe, but THE big house). Children who think they’re monsters are both sad and interesting to me, especially since I watched the new Netflix series “Stranger Things” this week as I was thinking of the prompt. The girl definitely looks like Eleven in my headcanon.

MY VOTE: Kylie

I know the prompt said, “story” but I interpreted that as poetry. Poems can tell stories too. This is the story of blue.

Blue is such a basic color. It is everywhere in our life that I wanted to show the various aspects in which blue touches my life. Besides my own personal feelings on the color blue, it’s my favorite color so…, I also googled what things are associated with the color blue. Things such as emotions, stability, wisdom, and cleanliness were among my google search results. It was illuminating. And as always, I had to add in some fandom references because I’m a nerd.

I could go on and on about each line in this poem, but I won’t. Let’s just say sometimes I think I’m clever where I’m probably not. For example, the line “I am primary in your life.” Get it, blue is a primary color in the color wheel. Also “knowledge and wisdom within magic” is a loose reference to the best Hogwarts house, mine, Ravenclaw.

I titled it “Untitled No. 1” half because poem titles are like that sometimes and half because I didn’t want to use the word “blue” and I’m lazy.

MY VOTE: Amanda

I wanted to use a lot of color in mine, and I wanted to use them in unconventional ways. No “red, the blood of angry men.” I wanted to use colors in weird ways that might not carry any significance to the reader, but obviously had a lot of symbolism for the protagonist.

Do I feel like I did my best? HAHAHAHA no. But I feel like it didn’t turn out as terrible as it was during my first few drafts, and I’m so grateful for that.

MY VOTE: Amanda

Next Week’s Prompt:
Create a story from the point of view of your character’s shadow. 

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