Write a story from the point of view of any inanimate object. Don't anthropomorphize it (it can talk, just not like Mrs. Potts level of humanism), just let it tell you a story.
The inspiration for my story came exactly from my life. Majoring in math, but having no sort of career to apply it to. It is told from the point of view of a calculator, who tries so hard to help the antagonist solve his problems, but, unfortunately, there are some problems in life that cannot be solved through mathematical equations.
MY VOTE: Kylie
The hardest part for this prompt was deciding what object to use. There are so many different stories I could tell from so many different things. What you look like as you stare at your computer screen. How the fridge feels as you open its doors to only look around in shame and boredom to close the doors again without getting anything. I worried for about five days deciding before I went with a bed. At first I started writing about how the bed loved to serve and was happy, but then I could have made that really bad and I wasn’t really feeling excited about it so I went with sarcasm. Sarcasm is my forte (not really a good thing for a person who wants to teach little children, they tend not to get it). But when you can make your older sister cry when she is ten and you are four just by using sarcasm, you know you have a gift. After that it was easy, although I feel like the bed could have been more gangster...
MY VOTE: Kylie
First off, I loved this prompt. I've written a story with this same kind of prompt before, and it was magical. Being a robot fanatic, inanimate objects that can think are the greatest things ever. Unfortunately, this prompt gave me a million ideas. I was about to write fifteen other stories before I finally settled on a robot that was in love with a human, probably because I’m on a huge Vision kick after Age of Ultron. Plus, cute robots are always a positive.
MY VOTE: Stupid Amanda made me cry with her story, so I guess she can have my vote.
Week 3 Prompt-
Start your story with "April showers bring May flowers, at least, that's what my ______ used to tell me." Then end your story with story with, "And that, officer, is why I had to murder my ______."
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If you can't say anything nice, then don't say anything at all. (That means you, Darrell.)