June 5, 2015

Round Up: Week Five

Prompt: I am super excited and slightly terrified for this prompt. It's a little complex to get started, but I know some great stories will come out of it.
STEP ONE: Grab your ipod or any song playing device and make sure it is set on shuffle
STEP TWO: Find a song whose title is also a person's name and use that as your story's main character. You can listen to the song if you like, but make sure to click on it.
STEP THREE: From that song, skip forward five times. The song name that comes up is the title of your story. Make sure you are writing this all down somewhere.
STEP FOUR: Skip forward three times and use ANY LYRIC from that song in your story. A lyric has to be at least five words long, but you can change the wording a little if you need.
STEP FIVE: Continue skipping in sets of three until you have five songs to choose lyrics from (seven songs in all with the name and title). If you can't use them all, at least work in four of the five songs. Note: If you stop on a song without words, skip to the next song and use that. If it's a foreign language, you can either translate the lyrics or skip forward.
STEP SIX: Write an amazing story and be sure to credit all the songs at the end.
NOTE: You can repeat the process up to three times if you wish, but always start from a name. Don't pick and choose songs to use. Don't be a cheater cheater pumpkin eater.

I was really happy with the songs that came up for  my story. I noticed most of them were by the High Kings, which was odd, but their songs are so poetic and wonderful that I didn’t even care. Peggy’s character comes from a life I sometimes wish I could live- wandering carefree through Europe just having experiences and meeting cool people. Even though she was living a charmed life, Peggy is still down to earth and in touch with the important things in life.

Epilogue: She decided to wait three days to go meet Alan, but she caved and went to find him that afternoon. She gets a job at the woman’s flower shop and stays a few months in Munich, and starts dating Alan. She finally finds her way back home when her mom falls ill and nobody else bothers to take care of her. When she realizes she won’t be able to go back to live with Alan, he moves to Washington, and there, they start their greatest adventure… trying to figure out how to pay for tuition and a wedding.

MY VOTE: Korrin

My first two options for this story was Name: Sirius Title: The Sorcerer’s Apprentice and Name: Gilderoy Title: You’re So True.  It was super hard to decide between the two as you can see.  I decided to go with the Gilderoy character from Starkid’s A Very Potter Senior Year because Starkid is one of the greatest things on this planet.  I continued his story of finally joining the world of the mice.  I was super excited about it but unfortunately I do not think I was hyper enough when I wrote this story so Gilderoy probably doesn’t sounds as pompous as I wanted him to. I also didn’t want to write a novel so I rushed it a bit but other than that it’s pretty great. I was so happy when one of the lyrics that I could use was “And even after all this time” because it’s a fan-fic of a Harry Potter spin off and any respectable Potterhead could not pass that up. This is just supposed to be a fun story.

MY VOTE: Kylie

Things came up in my personal life this week which contributed to my story being (technically) an hour late. This was another hard prompt for me. Specifics aren’t good with me, apparently.

This story was originally supposed to be a love story. I wanted my protagonist to fall madly, deeply in love with this boy. I was going to make them have an on-again off-again relationship and use all this great dramatic language to tell the story. Instead, I got a first person story starring an angry potty mouth and a gay boy.

I love it.

I imagine that these two have a great friendship that continues for the rest of their lives. Maybe she introduces him to his next boyfriend. Maybe he pulls some strings and gets her a fantastic job where she’s always wanted to work No matter what happens, I can tell you that I see these two watching movies and throwing popcorn at each other from across the room. Crazy kids. Their friendship is adorable.

MY VOTE: Korrin


Write a story using the most vivid dream you can remember. You can change the characters in it if you wish, but the plot should stay the same.

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