September 28, 2015

It's Almost Like Magic

I am sitting on the soft, cool grass.  The summer breeze makes my hair wisp around my face.  The tree trunk behind me feels rough on my back, but my silky shirt protects my skin from abrasions. The shade over me keeps me cool from the hot sun.  I stretch out my legs and wiggle my toes, finally free from my confining shoes.  This time is just for me. A time to relax after the recent hardships.

I look around and see people walking leisurely.  Most of them are in groups and they have emerged to enjoy the warm summer air, just like me.  Some giggle in gaggles, girls mostly. I can see the breeze blow through the others hair and the branches of the forest in the distance.  I notice some people are swimming in the nearby lake, enjoying the cool water in contrast with the warm air.  The openness makes me feel free.

I close my eyes and take in a large breath.  Nothing is better than the crisp scent of water and warm air blowing over flowers.  I can smell a slight trace of strawberries from the nearby gardens.  The fruit will soon be served for dinner, the first strawberries of the season.

As I tilt my head back I look up to see the sunlight trickle down through the leaves over my head.  The light dances, making life feel carefree.

I look back over towards the forest and see a flock of birds escape from the foliage and sweep towards the clear blue sky.  I can hear splashing from the people and the aquatic life in the lake. It is good to know that every life in the area is in celebration of the coming of summer.

More laughter echoes over the area.  Everyone is happy and I can’t help but crack a smile. School is almost over.  Today is a good day. 

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If you can't say anything nice, then don't say anything at all. (That means you, Darrell.)