September 5, 2015

Round Up: Week Sixteen

Last week’s prompt: 
Write a story that will build up drama and suspense, but does not give the reader a conclusion to the story.

I know I know, a wedding story. In my defense, when I wrote it, I had been to three weddings in two weeks and was making plans for a fourth one to come. I was deep in a wedding rut, so when I was told to create tension in a story without giving a conclusion, I knew a wedding was the perfect setting. 

Poor Charlotte. If not getting the wedding of your dreams wasn’t enough, getting punched in the face would surely put a damper on your wedding day. The her groom goes missing, and she becomes completely hopeless. I would give away more of her story, but that would be bringing things to a conclusion… so I shan’t. 


So when I read the prompt I was at a loss.  It’s kinda vague and I was not in a happy place. That’s when I thought, “Heck, I’m just going to write about a guy getting chased by a tiger.” 

Since I couldn’t give the audience an ending, obviously all I could think about was how to end it.  At first I was thinking that the guy would be saved by a random hunter. Then, I just had him die. Like I said I was in a bad mood. But then my dad gave me a great idea.  What if he woke up? The whole story is a dream.  To give hints to this fact I tried to overly describe everything he was seeing and feeling.  Even when he is running is supposed to be a dream sequence, like when you dream and you know you aren’t getting anywhere. 


Next week’s prompt: 
Use the last text message you received as the basis of a story. Your character receives this message, and it changes everything. 

Small Announcement: 
Due to all of us being back in school and buried in homework, stories will now be posted every other week, but still on Tuesdays. 

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If you can't say anything nice, then don't say anything at all. (That means you, Darrell.)