July 3, 2015

Round Up: Week Nine

Last Week’s Prompt:
You've been out of work for a few months and respond an unusual ad online that reads: "Team seeking full-time associate who isn't afraid of ghosts." They call and tell you to come in. Intrigued (and desperate for work), you go to their office and get hired on the spot. Moments later, there's a…

For the prompt this week, I decided to go with a little poetry. I like the structure of poems and making things rhyme and sound all sing-songy. I also didn’t think the ghosts should be real ghosts, so I made them ghost writers and haunted house workers. Just a fun, quick story, and even though my meter is off in a few spots, I’m pretty happy with it.

MY VOTE: Kylie

The story I wrote is more like a prologue to a book than anything else.  It is like an introduction to the character of Ray and what EX-Spiravit is kind of like.  The thing I am really happy about is the names.  I spent most of my time on this story looking up what ghost or spirit or poltergeist was in different languages, mostly Latin because LATIN RULES! Ray’s last name,Duende, is the Spanish word for ghost, as far as the internet could tell me anyway. Exspiravit is Latin for ghost and Spiritus is Latin for spirit (obvi).  I got the name Albinus from a list of Roman names and it is a derivative of the Roman Albus which we all know is Dumbledore’s first name. Poltergeist plus Dumbledore just seemed too perfect. Stolz is a name meaning “magnificent” or “proud” and I felt like Mr. Stolz would have to be proud of his work to put up with a nuisance such as Geist.  Geist is of course based on Peeves from the Harry Potter series. (If you don’t know who Peeves is, READ THE FREAKING BOOKS).  I didn’t spend much time on his name because I was tired and the story was late anyway, but it made sense to me that Albinus wouldn’t have spent much time on his name either.  
It also made me really happy to make the main character a Latino honors student, because in my future profession, those are currently rare, and I want to change that as much as possible in my own little ways.  

MY VOTE: Kylie

Ghost hunters are so five weeks ago.

This week, I wanted to take the prompt somewhere different from where I felt it was trying to lead me. And really, if you’re going to work with ghosts, you certainly can’t be afraid of them. In this story, I gave Liza what I felt was my dream job. She gets to do cool things all day with cool people and she gets paid large amounts of money for doing it. She’s living the dream.

Also, yes, Liza is missing her right arm. And yes, her right ankle was the one that was injured. I tried to add some hints of low self-esteem in there to highlight the way she feels like she’s only half a person, especially since she can’t get a new job. Getting rejected is the worst feeling, and I can’t imagine having to recover from an injury and endlessly applying for jobs you know you won’t get. Luckily, Liza has a great job lined up for her.

MY VOTE: Korrin

Next week’s prompt:

Time for a songfic! Pick a song that tells a story and write that story down. Try to capture the essence of the song--not just the story, but the way the music makes you feel.

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